A Sari-sari store is perhaps the most common business seen in the Philippines. They’re often home-operated with a simple business model. It can start with a small capital investment and has low operational costs. The owner can even easily innovate and adjust his products based on the needs of his neighborhood. They’re usually located within residential areas and are therefore a considerable competition for convenience stores such as 7-Eleven and Minimart.
There are two things that should be balanced for a sari-sari store to be successful, and that is restocking supplies and profit. The Puregold Mobile app can help can help owners with getting the supplies they need and profitability.
Easy logistics
Puregold is considered to be the sari-sari store owner’s bestfriend. Many owners who need to restock on products choose to buy their supplies from Puregold because of their cheap prices. Which is perfect for sellers who need to make a fair profit margin that wouldn’t burden their customers with high prices.
With Puregold Mobile app, you can easily buy your supplies from the nearest Puregold branch and have it delivered to your store. You may also pick up the order yourself from that branch if you prefer it that way. If you choose the delivery option, they offer same-day delivery if your order has been made within 6am to 2pm. Your package will be handled by the courier Ninja Van for a fixed rate of PHP 175 on top of your grocery order.
You can pay with GCash, credit or debit card, your Puregold Wallet, or cash on delivery. If the item you ordered is no longer available, someone from the branch will call you to inform you and offer alternatives of your choice.
Income booster
The app allows you to connect your Puregold loyalty card. So you still get to collect points each time you make an order. The points you’ve earned can be used later on to buy any items in the store. This reward system helps your budget by allowing you to pay for points instead of cash.
You can also buy discounted or promo items within the app.
Taking advantage of Puregold’s point rewards and discounts can help a sari-sari store owner boost his income as you’ll be able to buy your products at a below average price before reselling them.